Pretty Frightened About Next Appointment With GI Specialist

I have been away from the doctor for about a week now and haven't heard my results. I still have minor digestion pain and not enough to qualify for another crazy pill. I don't know how I am fairing. I have good days and watch what I eat. I don't eat fast food ever. I just eat regular homemade food. My husband gives me good advice. I don't know. I just fear hearing another sad story. Doctors have changed. I hear more and more stories about Doctors pushing medicines on people just to get paid and not really taking care of the people in need. I miss my Doctor Wayne D Meech. He was my grandmother's and mother's doctor and he was my doctor. Three generations, he has seen in my family. He has retired and hopefully living well and beyond his years.

He was the best doctor. He did what was needed not unnecessary. I hate to see another doctor because the side effects of medicine we take can sometimes be lasting and you don't know the damage done until time has passed you by. I prayed to Jehovah last night and I have to get better about doing it every day and not only when it is needed.

The only thing in my mind is: "What did he find in the biopsy?", "Is there really something I need to fear?" and I give my thoughts and doubt to my Heavenly Father. I'm teaching myself to heal naturally no pills. Because just like fast food, scientists, who have not created the human body, is still learning how to cure the things and insert artificial stuff that cause more harm to the body than the good green and herbs that he gave to use and created that does the body well. He allows us to eat from every tree in the garden and since Adam and Eve, mankind's first parents sinned, Satan has poisoned everything from the water we drink, the things we see, the music we hear, the people who had our benefit at hand, the most things he gave for good, Satan has turned to bad. I totally see that all of 2 Timothy 3:1-5 is becoming fulfilled each day that passes. The things mankind merelty patches are things that Jehovah God can undo with a wave of his right hand and the placement of his Kingdom on Earth, just as it is in Heaven by his only begotten son, Jesus Christ. I know that it going to be the only thing that is take care of mankind.

It's almost grieving time for me. I naturally think about my mother in the months of November to January. My husband's father anniversary is in November. We both naturally are gloomy. Having the resurrection hope for our dead loved ones is reassuring and pushes us to keep going and served him even more faithfully. I am happy that I know Jehovah. I want others to know that too. I try to witness at work but being the only witness in my department sucks because I am swimming in a pool of tickled ears and Satan's lullaby is louder than my music in my ears, especially in the holiday seasons approaching.

Well I just wanted to touch base with you all.

May Jehovah God bless all your efforts to serve it is not easy but with his holy spirit it is always possible.

Love Kavi_Kris!


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