
Showing posts from 2016

The World is Changing

Today and in the news around the world. A little boy named Ormun was struck in Syria during an air strike bomb. I saw this online and my heart melted in tears. I cried. He is only 5 years old, and him and his family are few survivors of the Syrian war. He was covered in dust and blood. I opted out to show his picture because I am neutral in politics and war, but his story and life has drastically changed my viewpoint on how mankind government is failing and how we need to be ever so loyal to Jehovah God. His Kingdom's, God's Kingdom is coming soon. Nevertheless, the event made me think of my childhood. When I mention that I am not saying I had experienced the same thing yet at least. I lived near an airbase in Michigan. It was so fun to attend the airshow (where planes flies in synchrony together, and swirl in the air). When I was a kid, we rush to the front door to see them flying above our heads. Now, it's 2016 and I could only think in my mind. Syrian kids and

Overthinking at 2AM

It's 2am. I have 3 days until I am laid off and at home like a sitting duck as far as secular work goes. I have so many things running through my mind right now and so much to do before the big days. Four years at a company that made me stressed, loved, hated and overweight from a sedentary lifestyle. I can only imagine where I begin from here, because as a fairly semi-positive person, I know this is not the end of my road.  Even though the human feeling of losing a job is very disturbing and a letdown. I have to realized that my prayers have been answer and I vow to Jehovah I will continue to serve him no matter what. I also wanted to increase my ministry which has been suffering heavily but this month that has changed.  We picked up a good habit and I am looking forward to help a sister auxiliary pioneer in July. I hope my health is good or fair enough to pull throughout the hot/humid weather in the Eastern US region. However those things, as exciting as they can be, still

Selfish People End Up Having Only Their Self

Some people are so selfish they only have themselves. The people they love die off and they never notice because they are so selfish. The family grow old and that person misses their moments of sunshine and wisdom because they are selfish. Don't be one of them. It's the little moments that no one looks and misses, the maturity of a person's life. If they would only open their eyes and give undivided attention to the people in theirs. That's when you really start living, that when you truly see and care. That is love, true love for family and friends. 

Facing the Storm Ahead - Age 28

Well, today has been very draining and shocking to say the least. I just got word I'm going to be laid off from my job for 4 years. My life is upside down and all the pocket change has fell out. My husband has been supportive to me and I really thank him for that. For me, after hearing that news, I felt used and like the company I slaved for used me like toliet tissue and flushed me. There were four others who were let go of. "Your positions are no longer needed." Other phrases, such as "you're an employee for another 60 days". I was hot as a kettle and also the disrespect and sabotage from my last manager and VP. The struggle have been real and as this world gets uglier and messy like a toddler playing in ketchup in a high chair, I expected it. At the same time, I blamed myself for just taking the easy way out. I pick the phones because I needed less stress. My husband had been unemployed a full year since January 2015. My anxiety and mental he

Always, smile!

Always, smile! I went to Dick's Sporting Goods for the first time today. I just never had a reason to go and I am a Durham Sports fan. Go, Michigan! Well this guy messed up my email when I was applying to be a rewards membership card (frequent buyer).  I had a smile on my face because after taking 32 phone calls and listening to bankrupt mortgagors from 8am to 5pm. I grew patience and learn to smile through complications aka "the customer is right 'plaster edition' smile." Before I left the manager said I had a beautiful smile and that it made her want to smile. I was smiling because as I stated earlier today was a busy Friday. I had the time in the world. Lesson today: Patience may be hard to sustain, but by putting in the effort and having a great attitude, the situation you're dealing with is more manageable and you also think clearer. Prayer is what allow Jehovah to create a path and that path maybe narrow but with Him it is possible to

Be a Good Person

In order to be a good person, you don't have to own a lot of material possessions, you don't have to wear the latest trends or say cool slang words. You don't need status in the world. You don't even need to own a cape. See, that's what the world labels as a good person, but good people aren't chosen by looks at all. Satan was the most beautiful angel before he was hurled down to the Earth. Being a good person is based on how you treat people, Christlike qualities, and the true person of the heart. Pray to Jehovah to search your heart through and with prayer and application you can be a better person too (Psalms 139:23, 24) 💯😉

Humbling Experience

My co-worker just told me about his daily hobby. It was the most humbling conversation we've had. He reads his Bible daily for 30 minutes. My eyes widen because I'm not good about reading daily. I have had times where I even miss the congregation reading. (Work in progress here.) He rises early in the morning and reads God's Word. Rather than use the opportunity to witness, I had to think to myself. Was Jehovah God telling me something or what?! Look at your spiritual health. Am I where I need to be? To be a good teacher, one must acquire knowledge himself. You have to acquire knowledge first. Even baptized already, where did my knowledge of the scriptures stand? Don't get outsmarted at the door friends?! "Make sure of the important things," (Philippians 1:9,10). We can give lip service about God's Kingdom making it sound sweet and attractive but does the proof and knowledge lie in our hearts? An avid reader can tell one who reads daily fro


Today, I had talk to doctor about my sleep study test last month. I had a very hard time according to the results. I had to sit and hear disheartening facts about my obstructive sleep apnea disorder. While my husband's family plea with me to not get the weight loss surgery and to pursue a healthier lifestyle. My issue is I don't know how. You're probably reading this blog thinking, exercise and eat right. Well, I want to and I'm struggling. I don't eat vegetables. I did but I have a food sensitivity texture with some veggies and certain fruits, issues with portion control, and emotional eating disorder. I'm a 407lbs champion except I have no muscles, just fat. Apart of me think to just get the surgery and hope for the best, then my mind tells me to work it out and get help. My job tells me, "We don't care work for us until you die and your problems are your problems." My expenses in life tell me, "Don't point the finger at me!&

Warm Vanilla Sugar

Warm Vanilla Sugar. It's the one scent I absolutely stand when I smell it. Why, you ask? Well, it's the smell of betrayal and pain. I had a friend from Grand Rapids, MI. She was going through the rebellion but played it off as she was having a strong disagreement. I love making friends and helping people to a fault. Well we met at a convention. I stayed in touch with her. We became close. She eventually needed a place to stay. My mom, who was eager to see me gain a friend, let her stay with us. Welcome Home! She had a car and was willing to help with our family budget. I was happy and showed her around town. We bump heads as imperfect people. She picked me up from school and took me places. I was grateful. She found work at a paralegal office. Well, though the friendship looked perfect from the sidelines and like a well-built house, the foundation was not solid. I found out eventually. It came to the light. She has been not so holy in conduct. She did something wit