
Showing posts from August, 2016

The World is Changing

Today and in the news around the world. A little boy named Ormun was struck in Syria during an air strike bomb. I saw this online and my heart melted in tears. I cried. He is only 5 years old, and him and his family are few survivors of the Syrian war. He was covered in dust and blood. I opted out to show his picture because I am neutral in politics and war, but his story and life has drastically changed my viewpoint on how mankind government is failing and how we need to be ever so loyal to Jehovah God. His Kingdom's, God's Kingdom is coming soon. Nevertheless, the event made me think of my childhood. When I mention that I am not saying I had experienced the same thing yet at least. I lived near an airbase in Michigan. It was so fun to attend the airshow (where planes flies in synchrony together, and swirl in the air). When I was a kid, we rush to the front door to see them flying above our heads. Now, it's 2016 and I could only think in my mind. Syrian kids and