Humbling Experience

My co-worker just told me about his daily hobby. It was the most humbling conversation we've had. He reads his Bible daily for 30 minutes. My eyes widen because I'm not good about reading daily. I have had times where I even miss the congregation reading. (Work in progress here.) He rises early in the morning and reads God's Word.

Rather than use the opportunity to witness, I had to think to myself. Was Jehovah God telling me something or what?! Look at your spiritual health. Am I where I need to be? To be a good teacher, one must acquire knowledge himself. You have to acquire knowledge first. Even baptized already, where did my knowledge of the scriptures stand?

Don't get outsmarted at the door friends?! "Make sure of the important things," (Philippians 1:9,10). We can give lip service about God's Kingdom making it sound sweet and attractive but does the proof and knowledge lie in our hearts? An avid reader can tell one who reads daily from one who quotes the scriptures? Do we keep our "internal Rolodex" up-to-date? This just got me thinking. Just like your physical but more important, make sure your spiritual health is in tip-top shape.


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