Facing the Storm Ahead - Age 28
Well, today has been very draining and shocking to say the least. I just got word I'm going to be laid off from my job for 4 years. My life is upside down and all the pocket change has fell out. My husband has been supportive to me and I really thank him for that.
For me, after hearing that news, I felt used and like the company I slaved for used me like toliet tissue and flushed me. There were four others who were let go of. "Your positions are no longer needed." Other phrases, such as "you're an employee for another 60 days".
I was hot as a kettle and also the disrespect and sabotage from my last manager and VP. The struggle have been real and as this world gets uglier and messy like a toddler playing in ketchup in a high chair, I expected it.
At the same time, I blamed myself for just taking the easy way out. I pick the phones because I needed less stress. My husband had been unemployed a full year since January 2015. My anxiety and mental health wasn't helping. It seems fitting to take that action. Good thing, he just started working at Synchrony. I'm blessed to stick by someone who will stick by me. We have had no easy year since we joined hands.
Now, I envision the boat that we are straddling in the wide ocean and the gigantic waves are rising high and thrashing us around. We're bracing for impact and facing yet another but even more violent storm. Our imperfect thoughts lead us to fear and shrink back, but we pray and do well to remember that we have Jehovah and if we rely and continue putting him first. He will carry us through. I'm braving the storm with my God, Jehovah.
In the same sense, I'm happy that I will be free to work out in the ministry and put God first because no doubt I have longed for that freedom and want to get back into my spiritual race, now that circumstances has alter. I'm calculating the cost because my finances may have not altered though my circumstances has.
It was an answered prayer and a safe exit from full-time work.
Until again, Kavya Dubashi.
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