The Lives of Others

The Lives of Others

I’m writing a new blog entry but this one goes out to everyone who has problems that they believe are enormous. It’s not really. I could cry a river the size of the Atlantic ocean for the 4 or 5 problems I could tell you on hand but as the saying goes: “There is always someone who goes through a lot more than you." No, I’m not talking about the people on The Dr. Phil show or Oprah. I mean, humanity all around us. They suffer too, who doesn't suffer in the world we live in now?

No matter what age, religion, gender, race or language we speak we all are suffering at this very moment. I use this blog as an outlet and to touch hearts across the globe. I confide here to my anonymous avid readers because I don’t have to hear the scary noise of judgment and rejection for my problems and mistakes. I invite those here to this webpage so they can feel like this is a sanctuary. Consider the following phrase next.

A person who has the brightest smile in the darkest hours of one's life.

First, let’s imagine the former, sitting in a dark room for hours, with the only 12-inch taper candle lit. The room is shallow and cold, but the candle is burning bright. Who is fueling the flame that has been lit? How come the person hasn't surrender to the dark? In comparison, we live in a troublesome and wicked world and everything that surrounds us is darkness. Another comparison, depending on your location at the moment. Think about work if you’re in a cubicle and you serve the only true God, Jehovah. (Ps. 83:18) Your cubicle is the only box of pure holy light in a sea of dark cubicles. What keeps us from caving into the darkness that surround us? How does our spirit to serve and please Jehovah stay aglow?

We all have problems that crush the spirit and mind constantly. Death, loss of job, spiritual loss, health, wealth, and many other situations make the fight that much harder. We have plenty of reason to crash and we sees others who may have suffered the same or similar troubles that gave out on life or allow it to control their action to harm others, and etc. Some days our light for serving God grows dimmer throughout the days, months or even years. It makes take some fine tuning to become as bright as we were before, but who is helping us?

Jehovah God and his spiritual arrangements. 

Life’s troubles doesn't take in consideration who makes the most money, has the most children, have the greatest health, drives the most fanciest car, lives in a mansion, has a nice house, treats all fair and honest, or someone who is the exact opposite; however life’s trouble and situations are all unforeseen, unexpected and as we know they befall us all. Call on Jehovah and keep his commandments to the forefront. “You must love Jehovah your God with your whole heart and with your whole soul and with your whole mind.” (Matthew 22:37, NWT 2013)


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