You're Not Who You Say You are!

Welcome! Please step inside. It's quite pleasant here. I am writing to free my mind of discrimination; and this type of discrimination is not racial, prejudice yet, self-discrimination. Before you read anything else from my blog please note that this is a blog completely centered on my journal to release and about helping other women lose that "fat-mentality" and learn to accept who they are first then, make some changes. I plan to cite personal and professional direction to women around the world. I have met the love of my dream and supporter of my life, Jonathan. I love you and please continue to supporting me in all endeavors.

I have been guilty of putting myself down, criticizing myself and emotional eating and when I met someone worth the chance of a lifetime, I still was guilty of damaging and I still am guilty as I write to you. Women we are confusing the power that we have and we let our desire of sex and society push out the beautiful that God (whether you believe in Him or not) has created and instilled in us. We tend to inquire to the wrong person when it comes to such as "Love" and other subjects that are very sensitive to the heart. The funny thing in a non-humorous way, these questions are very easy and you have to looking into yourself for the answers.

I will get off subject for a second. I am going to introduce use an example of the animals. They may be not thinking people, but to be honest, they have a good vibe when meeting other animals and humans. I think they read them a little better than humans read each other, lol.

Normally, when a dog has a distinctive smell, behavior. It doesn't take much for the other dog to notice.
Female dog meets male dog, after a: "Hello, how do you do?" to the butts. The attraction or distraction occurs. Meaning the dog want to be more than friends and move on in another direction.

Humans, haha of course are very complex and intelligent creature than animals. But the greeting process is similar and obviously from a far. No, we don't have to sniff each other butts. Men perceive insecurities instantly and they have more option than dogs. They could be corrupting, controlling, liar or cheaters and that's goes for both sexes here. This blog is not intended to be a sexist view point of a female. Most time if you're in the right spot place or time, you will find someone who has patience and interest that will stop by to help you out. Men can do anything we let them do to us, if you're a man stumble upon this article, women can do anything to you that you let them. Protection has no rules and all is fair in love and war. Hence, pointed the blame to the ones in your past is the beginning of self-discrimination. How? Do you say?

Feelings can be processed or directed. We choose to direct them because we tend to directed them because we don't know how to process them effectively without blame someone else or ourselves.

Stay in tuned for more blog about understand yourself, how to deal with them effectively, forgive and forget, stop eating your pain and mostly, help you walking towards a healthy you.


Kavi_Kris :)


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